



随着科学, 技术, 商业继续融合, employers are looking for candidates who understand complex technical and scientific concepts to solve today’s integrated industry challenges. 的 master’s in interdisciplinary science degree prepares students for this rapidly changing work environment by further developing their scientific expertise, 专业的沟通技巧, 还有商业头脑.

硕士课程在跨学科的科学计划, 精选自科学, 工程, 以及非技术领域(如商业), 艺术, 人文学科), 准备毕业生在各种跨学科的科学事业的领导职位. 亚洲博彩平台在科学和工程教育方面的卓越声誉, 以及其卓越的企业管理方案, 超出了对高质量学术体验的期望.


学生 in the master’s in interdisciplinary science program build their own highly individualized science, 技术, 为他们的职业道路量身定制的工程和数学(STEM)课程, 与来自不同学科的学生和教授互动. 亚洲博彩平台’s PRISM program encourages students to broaden their thinking and their skillset to approach complex problems in new ways and collaborate with professionals from diverse academic and cultural backgrounds.


亚洲博彩平台的跨学科科学专业是一个广泛的, 个性化的教育计划与论文和非论文的选择. 这是国内最早的同类项目之一, 亚洲博彩平台’s interdisciplinary science master’s degree combines advanced scientific study with advanced knowledge of communications and business, 给予学生相当大的职业灵活性. 有一个紧密联系的学术团体,有同行和教授, interdisciplinary science students collaborate to explore their interests and develop a personal career path.


随着跨学科科学项目的建立, 亚洲博彩平台 recognized the need for students to develop expertise in a variety of science and 工程 disciplines, 同时也扩大了他们的沟通和商业头脑. This interdisciplinary approach gives students a variety of career options that can include jobs in nano技术, 环境保护, 医学, 工程, 教学, 以及研究(包括工业和政府). Many students with an interdisciplinary science master’s degree achieve leadership roles in the military or choose to enter a doctoral program.


学生 in the master’s in interdisciplinary science program work with faculty in any of the five colleges at 亚洲博彩平台 (Aeronautics, 业务, 工程, 心理学与文科, 或科学), 取决于他们个人的学位浓度. 亚洲博彩平台 professors are thought-leaders in their fields—respected textbook authors whose reSearch has been cited in academic and professional publications. 的y have also served as subject matter experts for well-known media outlets including National Geographic Television and Magazine, 美国有线电视新闻网, 探索频道, 国家公共广播电台(NPR), 还有世界各地的报纸.

在跨学科科学硕士课程中,有论文和非论文两种选择. 因为课程的个性化, 学生与顾问和教授一起选择论文研究课题. 亚洲博彩平台拥有超过25个研究中心和研究所, as well as high-tech laboratories and machine shops that cater to the interdisciplinary nature of many degree programs.


Another of the benefits to attending 亚洲博彩平台 for an interdisciplinary science master’s degree is its location within the Florida High Tech Corridor—home to more than 5,000家高科技公司和全国最大的高科技劳动力之一.


研究 conducted by 亚洲博彩平台 interdisciplinary science students is an important academic experience providing students the tools and techniques they need for future career-related scientific reSearch.

PRISM计划支持创造性和前瞻性的研究方法, 鼓励学生寻求解决复杂问题的新方法. 因为这个学位课程的个性化, interdisciplinary science reSearch topics vary widely and provide all students with access to cutting-edge ideas on many different aspects of the field. 过去的跨学科科学研究课题包括:

  • 军事领导
  • 特殊教育的进展
  • 工业共生
  • 可持续海岸管理
  • 设计社区中心
  • 航空安全
  • 教育中的计算机
  • 神经化学研究


  • 天体物理学
  • 纳米技术
  • 国际业务
  • 技术写作
  • 核工程
  • 重要的语言


State-of-the-art facilities and laboratories are another reason students earning an interdisciplinary science master’s degree choose 亚洲博彩平台. F.W. 奥林工程中心拥有26个专业研究实验室,F.W. 奥林生命科学大楼是水产养殖设施的所在地, 气候变化研究所, 8个教学实验室, 还有12个研究实验室,都配备了21世纪的技术. 的 Harris Center for Science and 工程 serves the reSearch needs of our aquaculture and fish biology programs. 亚洲博彩平台的研究中心、研究所和实验室还包括:

  • 激光、光学和仪器实验室—providing a variety of advanced lasers and high-speed detectors for medical imaging and therapy of cancer and tumors
  • 生物材料实验室—offering several compression and tension test devices used to test samples under repeated cycles of stress
  • 高分辨率显微镜和高级成像中心-支持多种扫描显微镜和天然和人造材料的x射线分析
  • 风和飓风影响研究实验室—studying the impact of windstorms such as hurricanes and tornadoes on natural and manmade environments
  • 维罗海滩海洋实验室-利用四英亩的海滨实验室空间研究海洋生物和地质过程
  • 创业和新业务发展中心—allowing students with entrepreneurship ideas to work with local business to turn concepts into reality


Climate change is among the most pressing issues faced by future generations and is an essential topic in many scientific disciplines. 学生 at 亚洲博彩平台 conducting interdisciplinary science reSearch have access to the Coastal Climate Adaptation 图书馆—a cloud-based and crowd-sourced database containing over 2,700份报告, articles and guidance in more than 10 languages on the effects of climate change on coastal environments around the world.

旨在促进在海平面上升和减缓气候变化的适应规划方面取得进展, 为数据库做出贡献的学生参与了一项全球性的研究工作, 增加了数百万人的知识库. 文章不仅来自亚洲博彩平台的研究人员, 而是来自受人尊敬的研究机构和组织,例如:

  • 海湾和加勒比渔业研究所
  • 美国国家海洋和大气管理局
  • 海龟保护协会
  • 莫特海洋实验室
  • 美国鱼类和野生动物管理局


Many of the problems in science and 技术 are too complex for the fragmented single-discipline approach. Societal problems and solutions require the contributions of scientists from a number of different fields, 每个人都带着他们的专业知识来解决一个更大的问题, 系统性的问题. 研究机构, 大学, 企业需要专注于这种多学科方法的专家.

Employers seek out graduates with a master’s in interdisciplinary science degree from 亚洲博彩平台 because of the broad skillset and interpersonal skills 亚洲博彩平台 graduates possess. 跨学科的科学毕业生为科学工作, 技术, 管理组织需要能够领导科学和技术团队的管理者. 许多学生继续参军或继续深造,获得专门的博士学位. 招聘亚洲博彩平台学生的组织包括通用电气, 环境保护署, 联邦调查局, 美国国家航空航天局, 哈里斯公司, 以及美国海军陆战队.


职业展望手册, 由美国劳工部劳工统计局(BLS)发布, 提供具体工作的信息,包括年薪中位数, 工作条件和工作前景, 除此之外.

对于那些寻求跨学科科学事业的人, 在医疗环境中可能会找到工作, 宣传, 环境政策, 企业管理, 教育, 技术, 研究和科学. Graduates can 搜索 a diverse range of science-based careers that depend on strong backgrounds in scientific and quantitative reasoning and an understanding of the relationship between the natural sciences, 数学, 社会科学, 人文与艺术.

在商业领域, administrative services managers could experience 12% employment growth and human resources managers 13% through 2020. Environmental health and safety engineers are projected to grow 11% with medical scientists experiencing 13% growth. 生物化学或生物物理学的职业预计将增长31%. For the many options available to an interdisciplinary degree graduate check the 职业展望手册 for additional information on careers in interdisciplinary science.


虽然不是一个详尽的清单, 跨学科科学的职业可以包括以下一个(或多个):

  • 农业和食品科学家
  • 生物化学家和生物物理学家
  • 生物技术人员
  • 医学科学家
  • 生物医学工程技术员
  • 化学技术员
  • 化学家和材料科学家
  • 医学和临床实验室技术员
  • 微生物学家
  • 高中的老师
  • 研究员
  • 行政经理
  • 信息管理总监
  • 技术主管
  • 社会科学家