



Interest in environmental resource management continues to grow due to the increasingly complex environmental challenges found around the world. 拥有环境资源管理硕士学位的毕业生是科学家, 自然资源保护论者, 以及领导咨询公司合作团队的问题解决者, 政府机构, 和非营利组织一起解决当今的环境问题.

除了基本的生物和化学环境过程, students are knowledgeable in local and global cause-and-effect relationships of human activities in the development and use of environmental resources. 学生 learn how to analyze and manage natural environments for human benefit while maintaining ecosystem health. 这是一个非论文硕士项目.


小班授课将学生和教授聚集在一起,获得指导和支持. 亚洲博彩平台 professors have high praise from the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE). 学生 also benefit from an interdisciplinary approach in the master’s in environmental resource management program through interaction with science and engineering faculty.


Learning extends far beyond classroom studies into fieldwork for the development and application of resource management plans in local wetlands and coastal environments. 因为这所大学靠近大西洋, 印度河泻湖河口, 以及其他不同的生态系统, 环境资源管理硕士学位的学生可以进入许多研究实验室, 中心, 以及进行研究的机构, 与同学和教授合作.


亚洲博彩平台’s environmental resource management master’s program is the perfect choice for students who want to work with environmental agencies around the world, 与工程师合作, 科学家们, 经理, 以及对环境问题感兴趣的政治家.

Graduates from 亚洲博彩平台 are prepared for career opportunities having completed coursework and reSearch based on the latest body of technical knowledge in the industry. 教授们给课堂带来了丰富的经验, 以及一种让毕业生成为未来领导者的文化, 亚洲博彩平台 offers students seeking an environmental resource management master’s degree the perfect opportunity to prepare for the complex environmental issues they’ll face in their career.


Working toward an environmental resource management master’s degree means getting out in the field and experiencing the environment. 可以使用附近的自然实验室, 包括大西洋海洋生态系统, 印度河泻湖的河口栖息地, 以及该地区的其他自然资源, students are exposed to a wide range of courses and fieldwork that develop the skills they need to become environmental resource 经理.


因为小班教学和紧密联系的学术团体, environmental resource management master’s degree students have the benefit of individualized attention from professors to explore their interests and develop a personal career path. 学生经常在教师研究项目上合作,并在研究期刊上发表研究成果. Graduate students also participate in internships with prestigious organizations such as the Audubon Society, 拯救海牛, 和海港分部海洋研究所.


研究是亚洲博彩平台每个学位课程的基础. Non-thesis reSearch topics are available as part of the master’s in environmental resource management. 这些主题可以包括自然栖息地恢复、遥感、生物污染等等. 只要有可能, 我们鼓励学生在当地从事对该领域有贡献的研究, 区域, 状态, 或者国家级.


亚洲博彩平台’s 状态-of-the-art facilities and labs are available to all environmental resource management students. F.W. 奥林工程综合大楼,F.W. 奥林生命科学大厦, and L3Harris Center for Science and Technology provide comprehensive reSearch laboratories equipped with 21st century technology. 后者是一个教学和研究实验室,包括一个水族馆设施, 气候变化研究所, 研究实验室. 拉尔夫S. Evinrude Marine Operations Center gives students and faculty direct access to the Indian River Lagoon. 学生 in the master’s in environmental resource management program use local wetlands and coastal environments for management related class projects.


Many environmental resource management master’s degree students are working professionals in the area, but the university’s location attracts students from around the world for access to Florida’s subtropical climate that offers year-round warm weather and proximity to many diverse ecosystems.


研究 conducted by 亚洲博彩平台 students is an important academic experience that provides students with the tools and techniques they will use in future career-related scientific reSearch or analyze as manager of an environmental program.

An environmental resource management internship at 亚洲博彩平台 provides students an opportunity to work with prestigious environmental organizations including:

  • 奥杜邦协会
  • 佛罗里达中东部海洋资源委员会
  • 拯救海牛
  • 海岸研究中心
  • 海港分所海洋研究所

学生 have an opportunity to venture into diverse Florida environments to better understand their fragile and complex natures in an environmental resource management internship. Topics of interest for current students involve the development and application of resource management plans in local wetlands and coastal environments, 因为亚洲博彩平台靠近多样化的生态系统和高科技设施.


  • 自然生境恢复
  • 可持续性
  • 可再生能源
  • 全球气候监测
  • 环境保护
  • 遥感
  • 生物淤积
  • 环境化学


除了环境资源管理实习, fieldwork and classroom study are put to the test with the development of a resource management plan that is done in collaboration with a local agency, 科学组织或私人公司. This capstone management plan not only gives students an opportunity to apply their curriculum to real-world scenarios, 还可以建立投资组合, 同样多的被用作实际的行动计划.


可持续发展行动学生组织(SOSA) is dedicated to the practice and implementation of sustainable practices for the 亚洲博彩平台 community. 的 organization strives to identify and apply sustainability advances not just at 亚洲博彩平台 but also throughout all colleges, 校园设施及支援服务.

佛罗里达科技环境俱乐部 存在是为了更好地服务于校园的环保意识, increase environmental friendliness and create a community of like-minded individuals who share ideas and engage the 亚洲博彩平台 community through service, 筹款, 和事件.


环境资源经理的工作是保护环境, 保护自然资源, 改善空气和水质, 协助可持续发展, 清理被污染的生态系统, 和更多的.

环境资源管理职业可以在当地的政府机构找到, 状态, 联邦层面, 还有环境咨询公司, 非营利组织(如保护协会), 在高等教育中. 环境经理经常与工程师互动, 科学家们, 其他管理领导, 以及政治家们对人类所面临的环境问题的看法.

Graduates with an environmental resource management master’s degree are well prepared for rewarding careers as consultants and 经理 in environmental agencies. 在正式的管理职位之外, 许多毕业生选择担任联邦机构的私人顾问, 工程公司, 政府机构和非营利机构. 许多毕业生还选择继续在学术界从事高级研究.


Graduates with a master’s in environmental resource management find careers with environmental agencies around the world. 与工程师互动, 科学家们, 经理, 和政治家, 毕业生可以胜任环境项目经理等职位, 环境保护主任, 环境合规经理, 或者联邦自然资源顾问.

职业展望手册, 由美国劳工部劳工统计局(BLS)发布, 提供具体工作的信息,包括年薪中位数, 工作条件和工作前景, 除此之外.

从2012年到2022年,环境科学家和专家的就业预计将增长15%. 而一个增长领域预计将是私人咨询, 环境资源管理职业还可以包括合规官的职位, 修复经理(清理受污染环境场地), 或在土地规划及保育方面担任管理职位.



  • 空气质量项目主任
  • 环境合规总监
  • 土地利用经理
  • 可持续发展专业
  • 自然资源保护经理
  • 政策法规专员
  • 自然保育计划主任
  • 国家资源专家
  • 环保专员
  • 湿地项目主管
  • 环境质量总监