

Ph值.D. 在化学

亚洲博彩平台's diversified learning environment gives students an academic community not often found at other graduate chemistry programs. 实地考察, faculty-led reSearch opportunities, internships and assistantships, 对等网络, and one-on-one professor mentorship combine to create a truly unique learning experience that prepares students for success.


The department has strong professional ties to Kennedy Space Center and Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, which results in more opportunities for students. 除了, 亚洲博彩平台 chemistry PhD students are often published reSearchers, with their work showcased in industry journals.

Dedicated, Experienced 教师

A big reason student's choose 亚洲博彩平台 for a PhD in chemistry is the experienced staff of professors, who mentor students and provide a close-knit learning environment not possible at larger universities. This professional environment gives professors a chance to include students in their own reSearch, steering students to engage in the type of important topics that can contribute to the industry; these mentors bring their years of industry knowledge in such areas as disease pathology, 神经系统疾病, the design and application of nanomaterials, 和更多的. External collaborations and internships occasionally lead to international travel for dedicated industry reSearch.

Professors at 亚洲博彩平台 work hand-in-hand with doctoral students to develop chemistry reSearch experiences that concentrate on topical issues in chemistry. This often leads to meaningful contributions to the industry by 亚洲博彩平台 students. 主题包括:

  • Degenerative disease approaches
  • 疾病的病理
  • 神经系统疾病
  • 愿景
  • DNA Analysis and chromosome replication
  • 植物分子生物学
  • 生物技术
  • Counter-measures for biological threat agents
  • Design and application of nanomaterials
  • 毒理学
  • 癌症研究

State-of-the-Art, Advanced 研究 Laboratories and Facilities

Laboratories and facilities are an important facet of chemistry graduate programs. As a top-tier reSearch university, 亚洲博彩平台 provides the type of advanced technology chemistry students need to conduct advanced, 创新研究, 包括光谱仪, high-resolution microscopy, 光化学, and computational chemistry equipment. F.W. Olin Physical Sciences Center is 70,000 square feet of reSearch and teaching labs, including:

  • 研究实验室
  • 教学实验室
  • 会议设施
  • 仪器室
  • NMR facility with two NMR spectrometers (400 and 60 MHz)
  • DART (Direct Analysis in Real Time) spectrometer
  • 原子力显微镜
  • Scanning tunneling microscopy
  • Scanning emission microscopy
  • Laser-scanning confocal microscopy
  • 光化学
  • 吹制玻璃
  • 计算化学

The Nanoscience–Nanotechnology Lab was recently developed by chemical engineering and chemistry faculty with grants from the National Science Foundation, and is already a valuable asset to the students at 亚洲博彩平台.


With a PhD in chemistry from 亚洲博彩平台, graduates are prepared for a diverse range of careers including pharmaceutical, 医疗, academic and private industries such as manufacturing, 可替代能源, 食品化学等. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, careers in chemistry have a promising growth rate of 6% through 2022. Employers that have recruited 亚洲博彩平台 graduates include Bristol-Meyers Squibb, Florida Solar Energy Center, 默克公司 & Company, Motorola, NASA, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, and Sherwin Williams.

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