

Ph值.D. 细胞与分子生物学

The doctoral degree in cell and molecular biology at 亚洲博彩平台 develops the skills necessary to design and carry out a high-quality reSearch program in the broad field of cell and molecular biology.

While the majority of time in the reSearch-based program is spent carrying out an advanced reSearch project in an advisor’s dissertation field, the curriculum includes core coursework in molecular genetics and cell and molecular biology, as well as more specialized coursework in topics like cancer biology, 生物信息学, 蛋白质结构与功能, signal transduction and cardiovascular physiology.  


The average time to complete the cell and molecular biology Ph.D. 亚洲博彩平台是5岁.5 years and requires completion of 73 credits from a bachelor’s degree or 42 credits from a master’s degree. To be accepted into the program, applicants must have a 3.0 GPA or above and undergraduate coursework in genetics, biochemistry and cell biology.

为什么要攻读博士学位?.D. in cell and molecular biology at 亚洲博彩平台?


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You have two graduate study opportunities:

  1. 在你附近的教育中心
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Doctoral-level cell and molecular biology faculty are more than professors; they are mentors. 亚洲博彩平台 professors bring immeasurable expertise to the classroom and to their reSearch labs in a wide range of areas,  including bacterial genetics and antibiotic discovery, 基因工程, 生物信息学, 基因修改, 神经退行性疾病, cardiovascular physiology and diseases and plant/bacterial communication. Working alongside their professors and fellow graduate students, students learn both the intricacies of cells, tissue and molecular functions and key collaboration and communication skills.


At 亚洲博彩平台, resources and cutting-edge workspaces abound. On campus, cell and molecular biology Ph.D. 学生可以利用:

  • 八个现代化研究实验室
  • 八个教学实验室
  • 16个工作站的计算机设施
  • 电子显微镜套件
  • 现代化仪器实验室
  • 小型哺乳动物护理机构
  • A temperature-controlled, 800-square-foot greenhouse

What cell and molecular biology reSearch opportunities Can I Expect at 亚洲博彩平台?

细胞与分子生物学.D. 该计划主要以研究为基础. All reSearch is conducted alongside 亚洲博彩平台 faculty within the scope of their dissertation fields. Current cell and molecular biology faculty reSearch interests include:

  • Identification of novel antibiotic targets
  • 细菌生长的调节
  • 细菌和藻类的群体感应
  • Understanding how organisms adapt to chronic environmental stress
  • 心血管生理学
  • 受精过程中的信号转导
  • How protein structures change during the onset of 神经退行性疾病s


Among the laboratories available for cell and molecular biology reSearch, Ph.D. students can take advantage of these unique facilities:

  • Center for High-Resolution Microscopy and Imaging: This multidisciplinary laboratory for molecular biology reSearch provides state-of-the-art light and fluorescence microscopy, 共焦显微镜, 透射电子显微镜, 扫描电子显微镜, scanning probe microscopy and X-ray microanalysis of natural and artificial materials. The lab can prepare almost any kind of sample for microscopic evaluation, image sample surfaces and cross-sections at very high resolutions and analyze elemental compositions of materials.
  • Instrumentation Laboratory for Cell and Molecular Biology 研究: This laboratory houses modern instrumentation used for characterizing gene expression, isolation and quantification of nucleic acids and other cellular components, high-resolution image documentation and analysis and microplate analysis.  

如何将细胞和分子生物学Ph值.D. 有益于我的事业?

Along with the opportunity to further their scientific reSearch, individuals with a cell and molecular biology Ph.D. gain increased earning potential and positioning as a subject-matter expert. 

A doctoral degree is required to direct an academic or industrial scientific reSearch lab. It is also required for most faculty positions in four-year colleges and universities, as well as most editorial positions in scientific journals and administrative and policy-making positions in federal government agencies, 比如国家科学基金会, 美国国立卫生研究院, 疾病控制中心, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NASA等等. 细胞与分子生物学.D. 毕业生可以做:

  • 大学教授
  • 药物研究实验室主任
  • 生物技术公司研究实验室主任
  • 政府研究实验室主任
  • Scientific director in academia and industry
  • 科学顾问
  • 科学作家和编辑
  • 更多的