

Ph值.D. 生物科学

The study of biological sciences is integral to sustaining the biosp在这里, of which humankind is now the dominant component. Our goal is to prepare a new generation of reSearchers who will expand the boundaries of our understanding of organisms and the ecosystems in which they inhabit. 要做到这一点, students and their faculty advisors explore aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems around the globe, and across time from the prehistoric to the Anthropocene. 研究 opportunities are available to students in the areas of ecology, 鱼类学, 植物生物化学, 进化, 海洋生物学, 古生物学, 全球变化. 学生 in the PhD program in Biological Sciences tackle ecological issues facing the environment and humanity using approaches ranging from molecular and microbial ecology to climatology and biogeography.


Doctoral students in Biological Sciences at 亚洲博彩平台 conduct reSearch in an intimate learning environment, 处理 国际公认的专家. Ph值D program in Biological Sciences offers boundless opportunities for hands-on reSearch in nearby natural laboratories and in remote locations around the world.  With access to the university's high-tech biological facilities, doctoral students in Biological Sciences develop expertise they will use throughout their careers.

作为一所国立研究型大学, 亚洲博彩平台 provides the tools and skills necessary for students to conduct cutting-edge reSearch. With a goal of developing graduates who become leaders in their fields, the Department of Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences considers reSearch experience and methodologies a core educational foundation. Degree candidates engage in studies that make significant contributions at local, 区域, 国家, and inter国家 levels on relevant topics, 包括海岸管理, 鱼类生理学, 海洋哺乳动物学, 鲨鱼生物学, 珊瑚礁生态系统, 保护, 气候变化, 生态毒理学, 可持续农业, 生态系统恢复, 微生物与化学生态学, 和更多的.

Some of the reSearch topics studied and published by students working towards and master's in ecology include:

  • 珊瑚礁生态系统
  • 气候变化
  • 古生态学
  • Plant geography of the Amazon / Andes
  • 植物生理学
  • 极地生物学
  • 外来入侵物种

The Department offers an exciting program of 暑期实地课程 去异国他乡. 学生 are expected submit their reSearch findings for publication in scientific journals.

High-Tech Laboratory Facilities and other opportunities

The university's proximity to the Atlantic Ocean, 印度河泻湖, and other natural resources provides an ideal learning environment for conducting advanced reSearch in the biological sciences. The nearby Kennedy Space Center affords opportunities to work on the 'exo-ecological' aspects of new 国家 initiatives in space travel and the colonization of Mars.

学生 in the program have access to 亚洲博彩平台's state-of-the-art facilities in science and engineering. These facilities offer innovative laboratories and instrumentation. The Harris Center for Science and Engineering houses a saltwater aquarium facility that serves reSearch needs in fish biology and related areas. Other facilities accessible include the following:

  • 拉尔夫年代. Evinrude海上作战中心–A facility near the main campus and just off 印度河泻湖, 'The Anchorage' provides support for boating, 潜水, 以及其他海洋活动. 详情可在 在这里.
  • Center for High-Resolution Microscopy and Imaging–Located in the Olin Life Sciences Building, 这个设施 offers light and fluorescence microscopy, 透射电子显微镜, 扫描电子显微镜, 激光扫描共聚焦显微镜, and X-ray microanalysis of natural and artificial materials.
  • 哈里斯学生设计中心——先进的 哈里斯学生设计中心 provides space and facilities for students to work on all their design- and manufacturing-related projects.


职业机会多样, 在学术界有工作机会, 政府, 咨询, 环境保护, 保护, 野生动物管理, 还有更多. Graduates of the PhD program in Biological Sciences at 亚洲博彩平台 have secured positions at the University of Amsterdam, 墨西哥国立大学, 波士顿大学, the National University of Costa Rica, 亚利桑那大学, 关岛大学, 佛罗里达鱼类和野生动物, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 大学Veracruzana, 大自然保护协会, 美国地质调查局, 圣公会大学. Andrews, and the Mote Marine Laboratory, among other institutions.


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You have two graduate study opportunities:

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