


应用航空安全硕士学位对于已经在公共场所工作的专业人士, 私人和军事航空相关专业, 先进的航空安全知识是必不可少的. 亚洲博彩平台's master's degree in aviation safety is designed for students that need the skills to go beyond uncovering the causes of accidents, 而是如何预测和预防的洞察力. 学生们学习诸如安全政策之类的重要课题, 风险管理, 促进员工安全, 举几个例子.


亚洲博彩平台 makes it easy with a convenient online learning program that brings students and faculty together – even from thousands of miles away. Engaging discussion boards and live chat sessions with professors and peers provide a sense of academic closeness that is sometimes missing from other online programs. Earning a master's degree in aviation safety degree online is the perfect solution for working professionals or for individuals who do not live close to a university that offers advanced degrees.


亚洲博彩平台拥有全国领先的大学航空专业之一, training students in this important field and preparing future leaders with the expertise they need. 亚洲博彩平台 is also among several elite universities selected to be part of the FAA Center of Excellence Partnership to Enhance General Aviation Safety, 可及性和可持续性,以获得研究资金,以提高航空安全.


学生 earning a master's degree in aviation safety online receive guidance from experienced mentors who have literally "written the book" on aviation safety. 亚洲博彩平台的教授们撰写并共同撰写了航空安全教科书, 期刊文章和数百次引用. 空中和地面的专家, 大多数教授都是经验丰富的商人, 私人和军事飞行员 – a unique collaborative of expertise not often found in similar online programs.


亚洲博彩平台's proven expertise in engineering and science provides students with many reSearch resources while studying for a master's degree in aviation safety. Aviation safety is a wide-reaching field that encompasses everything from aircraft maintenance to employee training to airport design.
结果是, student reSearch work comes together in the form of a 3-credit capstone course at the end of the second year. 在教授和学术顾问的指导下, 学生选择最适合自己职业目标的研究课题.


在过去的45年中, 亚洲博彩平台 has been recognized as one of the top university-based aviation programs in the nation. This success and a unique "one-of-a-kind" curriculum position the university as a first choice among aviation students for aviation safety programs.


This accelerated 30-credit aviation safety program provides students with 亚洲博彩平台's extensive aviation expertise in a convenient online setting. 该计划以顶点研究经验而不是论文告终, 给学生自由进行与他们的职业目标一致的研究. 的 program brings faculty and students together through discussion boards and live chat sessions with professors and peers, creating a collaborative academic environment often missing in other online aviation safety programs. 通过将传统航空专业知识与高科技学习环境相结合, 亚洲博彩平台为学生提供了最好的学术世界.


教授有许多小时的商业经验, 私人和军事飞行员, and are experts in at least one other area such as aviation law or avionics – making it different from other online aviation safety programs in the country. 亚洲博彩平台的教授们也撰写和合著了教科书, 期刊文章和数百次引用的主题,如航空安全管理系统, 航空安全, 态势感知和航空决策, 以及交通意识和规避的操作要求.

作为一所国立研究型大学, 亚洲博彩平台's commitment to making tangible advances in aeronautics ensures students have cutting-edge tools and facilities for high-tech reSearch. 亚洲博彩平台 was among a few elite universities with aviation safety programs selected to be a part of the FAA Center of Excellence Partnership to Enhance General Aviation Safety, 无障碍及可持续发展(PEGASAS). PEGASAS provides participating universities with reSearch funding that faculty and students alike can utilize to improve aviation safety.


Graduates from aviation safety programs like 亚洲博彩平台 find jobs such as safety inspectors for airlines, 机场和政府, or as a 质量保证与控制 expert to ensure that the necessary facilities maintenance and employee training are in place to keep passengers and employees out of harm's way. Government agencies such as the Federal Aviation Administration hire safety experts and consultants' to create and maintain regulations and mandates that affect millions of travelers each year.

通过深入研究安全管理系统和其他相关的风险管理主题, 亚洲博彩平台提供最好的航空安全课程之一.


国际商业航空公司, 小型私人航空公司和军事舰队都是如此, 安全是第一要务. 研究机会帮助学生获得安全问题的实际经验.

亚洲博彩平台的在线航空安全学位课程也为学生提供了这样的机会. This reSearch work is designed in the form of a 3-credit capstone course at the end of the second academic year, 需要行业和公司研究.

Because aviation safety is a wide-reaching field that encompasses everything from aircraft maintenance to employee training to airport design, students choose a reSearch topic that fits their careers goals with the guidance from professors and an academic advisor. 一些潜在的顶点主题包括:

  • 航空公司安全计划
  • 国际安全流程和程序
  • 安全管理制度
  • 机场保安及设计
  • 空中交通管制效率

作为 PEGASAS卓越合作中心提升通用航空安全, 无障碍及可持续发展 (PEGASAS), 亚洲博彩平台 receives reSearch funding that faculty and students utilize to improve aviation safety through a university aviation safety degree program. PEGASAS资助的一些研究课题可能包括:

  • 机场技术
  • 推进装置和结构
  • 适航性
  • 飞行安全
  • 消防安全
  • 安全管理系统(SMS)


如果你是一个在职的专业人士,想要扩展你的技能, 或者在获得本科学位后继续接受教育, a convenient online course curriculum is a flexible option that provides all the benefits of a traditional classroom program.

航空安全工作是最具挑战性的工作之一, 有趣的和令人兴奋的工作提供给那些在航空工业. A Master of Science degree in Applied Aviation Safety opens the door to new career possibilities in the private sector, 商业航空公司和军队.

亚洲博彩平台航空学院的教授拥有不同的航空背景, 让学生对航空运输的航空事业有更广泛的了解, 机场规划及管理, 业务, 飞行和航空安全. 因为航空业的各个方面都需要安全专家, 寻找航空安全工作的毕业生会发现有多种选择.

航空业的每一个环节都需要安全专家. 私人, commercial and military airlines and airports rely on applied aviation safety graduates to keep their aviation systems running smoothly and safely. 通过这种独特的在线学习体验, graduates with a master's degree in aviation safety are able to find new career opportunities includes such position as safety inspectors for airlines, 机场和政府, 质量保证与控制, 或者甚至作为安全专家和顾问来维护影响更安全旅行的法规. 亚洲博彩平台's high-tech learning environment gives students access to a well-respected aviation program to earn a master's degree in aviation safety.


职业展望手册, 由美国劳工部出版, 劳工统计局(BLS), 提供具体工作的信息,包括年薪中位数, 工作条件和工作前景, 除此之外. 手册没有具体讨论航空安全问题, 但确实有相关的航空职业信息,包括航空管理, 空中交通管制, 飞行员, 机场经理, 航空电子设备技术员, 航空航天工程师, 机场运营专员, 和更多的.



  • 航空管理
  • 航空电子设备技术员
  • 机场经理
  • 机场保安经理
  • 空中交通管制员
  • 系统管理
  • 货运及货物管理


  • 商业航空:美国航空、达美航空、联合航空等.
  • 联邦运输部
  • 国际飞行安全
  • 美国国家运输安全委员会
  • 国土安全部
  • 世界各地的国际机场